Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Small-Sword

Also court-sword, walking-sword or town-sword. Mostly almost blunt, pointed cane, though some small-swords are pointed and sharp with a much smaller guard and finger-rings. Blade is hollow, triangular and much thicker at the hilt. Is a self-defense weapon used also for personal dueling.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

The no-cutting part opposite the blade. Double-edged swords has no back.
Also spelt corselet. A light half- armour popular in the six­teenth century for general military use (for example, for town…
Elbow gauntlet
The cuff of this gauntlet reaches the elbow, replac­ing both the lower cannon of the vambrace and the couter.
Also called a collar. Close-fitting plate protecting the neck, throat, and upper chest.

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