Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Gladius

The Legions patterned their short swords after those of the Spanish Celts. The historian, Polybius, says they were introduced into the army during the second Punic War. The Gladius of Caesar's time until Tiberius had a slight curve in the edge of the blade. The Fulham type and the Pompeii type had edges which were completely parallel. This sword was intended as a thrusting weapon. This was the best way to use a sword in tight formation. Using the sword in a slashing motion would cause the soldier to open his side to attack. The Gladius was replaced by the traditional long swords of the barbarians in the late empire.


Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

A modern term for a globular visor worn in Germany in the fourteenth century to accom­pany the basinet; it only covered the…
The dull part of a blade right above the hilt. Made for fingering. Not all swords have it.
Wooden Roman throwing stick with a spiked head; attached to user's arm with a strap which enabled it to be retrieved after it had been thrown.
Sword with a serrated edge; hilt is padded and fitted with a spiked pommel. 

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